News | Writivism appoints 2 Judging Panels for 2018 Prizes
Writivism has released names of six judges, in two panels,
for the 2018 short story and creative non-fiction Writivism prizes.
The judging panels are made up of award winning writers.
The short story prize panel has Shadreck Chikoti, a
representative of the Story Club of Malawi and sponsors of the prize as the
head. Chikoti will work alongside Ugandan short story writer, Beatrice Lamwaka
and Emmanuel Sigauke, who has been a longstanding member of the Writivism
Council of advisors.
The Koffi Addo prize for creative non-fiction panel will be
chaired by novelist and memoirist, Akwaeke Emezi. In her panel are Daniel
Kalinaki, Ugandan journalist, and Sumayya Lee, the editor and longstanding
member of the Writivism Council of advisors. The Koffi Addo prize is sponsored
by the Koffi Addo family.
Organizers observed that the six judges represent a
diversity of backgrounds and the high standards that the two prizes aspire to.
Organisers urged unpublished emerging writers based in African
countries to also submit their original fiction and nonfiction stories and win $500
prizes each for the categories.
All long listed stories are published in an annual
anthology while shortlisted stories are published by Munyori Literary Review
and Enkare Review.
The shortlisted writers are equally invited to the annual
Writivism Festival, where the winners are announced. Each winner is offered an
opportunity for a one-month writing residency at Stellenbosch University in
South Africa to work on a manuscript.
The deadline for submission of entries is March 31 while the
long and short lists will be announced in June and July respectively. Winners
would be announced between 17th and 19th, August, 2018 at the annual Writivism
Festival in Uganda.
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