
Showing posts from July, 2017

Write To Win $20,000 | 5th International Prize For Micro-Stories | César Egido Serrano Foundation Spain.

The César Egido Serrano Foundation’s objective is to use words and therefore dialogue as a tool for understanding between different cultures and religions. The competition first prize is $20,000 for the best short story. All entries will be evaluated by an international jury and the finalist’s stories will be published.  A maximum of two stories per person, on any theme, of no more than 100 words each, should be submitted from the following link: Participants should enter the following identification code in the registration form: 41426 Writers from anywhere in the world may participate. Stories should be written in any of the following languages: Spanish, English, Arabic or Hebrew. An overall first prize of 20,000 dollars will be awarded for the best story in any of the languages authorized in the contest. Three prizes of $ 1,000 each ...

Poet-Today | Hajaarh Muhammad Bashar

**** BEAUTY OF UNIQUITY **** The silent sea waved across the land Emitting the calmness only known to man Kissed in the face by the golden sun rays Rising up firmly to face the world in trace Behold, the flowers in different blee Caressed by the zesty wind of charm Swinging to themselves in all the glee A beautiful creation in full charisma Arise, young brooding birds in love Sing with the sweet voice of yours to the world Filling the heart even without a single word Gifting the soul with calmness, peace and love ***IMPRISONED TEARS*** Stuck in the beam of tears Between the window of pain in the eyes With a feeling that surge through the edge Of a very long ripped heart in vain The night is cold But my tears still flow With a pale face, broken heart and shattered soul It’s a feeling that will never go I looked deep into the barren night As a silent whimper escaped my lips, tight With so much pain, sadnes...

Book Review | Our Country Holds A Whip Against Us | Poetry

Our Country Holds A Whip Against Us:   Requiem for a lost country Book Title: Our Country Holds A Whip Against Us Author: Abdullahi Ismaila Publisher: Kraft Books Limited Pages: 60 Year: 2017 Reviewer: Paul Liam Abdullahi Ismaila’s new poetry volume, Our Country Holds A Whip Against Us is a requiem for a lost country, Nigeria. This anthropomorphic collection is a dirge that re-enacts the depravity of social justice, maladministration and the trivialization of humanity by the political class who hold the masses in contempt; the same people who elect them into power under the tiring slaps of the sun.   The country has turned its back on the people and in consequence they no longer consider her home because she no longer holds promises of a brighter future.  The title therefore captures the decay of a country at war with itself and encapsulates the dysfunctional state of the system of things and the hopelessness that hovers above the land. And pe...