
Showing posts from January, 2017

Writing Competition: 2nd AMAB/HBF Flash Fiction Contest is On.

AMAB Books in collaboration with Home of Books Foundation announces the 2ND Flash Fiction Writing Contest. THE RULES 1. Submissions must be 1000 words or less in length,written in # English . 2. The competition is FREE and the theme must be indigenously Nigerian. Radical, futuristic and abstract  works are especially encouraged. 3. Entrants are encouraged to follow AMAB Books’ page (@amabbooks) and Home of Books Foundation (@home_of_books_foundation) on all popular social media platforms. This, however, is not an edge. Tagging of potential writers is highly encouraged. 4. Entries must be original and must not have been published or accepted for publication elsewhere. 5. Work must be entirely the work of the entrant, and the entrant must own the full publication rights to the  entry.   6. Submissions must be accompanied by a one-paragraph bio of the entrant 7. Submissions can only be accepted online via 8. Entries should be s...

Prof. Sule E. Egya Delivers IBB University Inaugural Lecture.

Professor Sule Emmanuel Egya would Thursday afternoon, January 26 , 2017 deliver the 7 th Inaugural Lecture of the Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai, Nigeria at the auditorium of the main campus of the University . The Professor of African Literature and Cultur al Studies would be speaking on “ In Praise of Dissidence: Power Relations, Artistic Creativity and Nigeria’s Democratic Process” .         Professor Sule who is also a poet and fiction writer writes under the pen name E.E Sule . He is the author of the short story collections, Impotent Heavens and Dream and Shame . His poetry volumes are Naked Sun, Knifing Tongues and What the Sea Told Me (winner of the 2009 ANA/NDDC Gabriel Okara Poetry Prize).       His debut novel, Sterile Sky published in 2012 by Pearson Education Ltd under its African Writers Series won the 2013 Commonwealth Book Prize for Africa region.  

B M Dzukogi turns 52 today, seeks to be the next Governor of Niger state even as he says "I think of death every minute".

BM Dzukogi, writer and Founder of the Hilltop Creative Arts Foundation turns 52 today. Earlier in the morning The Arts-Muse Fair Literary Intercourse interviewed him. TAMF : Happy birthday to you. How does it feel to be 52 today? BM Dzukogi : I feel like I am expiring though with much gratitude to Allah. Many blessings at young age. TAMF : You couldn't have such thought of expiring soon, not with the zeal and energy you expend these past years on promoting writing and writers. What's this goal that drives you? BM Dzukogi : Outside wanting to be the president of Nigeria or governor of Niger state, experimenting the emergence of quality writers through institutional mentoring is number one thing that bogs me continuously. It is important to define few things you want to do in life. Literary promotion is one. Art keeps me pure to an acceptable fitness that makes you a worthwhile citizen. I enjoy the purifying nature of art. So I am in it. I t...

Etisalat receives knocks for failing to award the 2016 Etisalat Flash Fiction Prize.

Nurdin Busari the CEO of AMAB Books Ltd has penned an open letter to Etisalat, organisers of the Etisalat Flash Fiction Prize, expressing his disappointment with the decision of the company not to award the prize for 2016. In a tweet early this morning, the Prize's judging panel announced that it was unable to name a winner and runners up as expected because "none of the entries met the criteria of quality and creativity required to win the award" However, Mr. Busari would not take that excuse from the panel and took to his Facebook timeline to lash at the the Telecomunications Company for performing poorly in its handling of the contest in spite of its huge human and material resources that guarantees it organising a first class contest.  Read his open leter below. "Dear Etisalat Nigeria, Thank you for building the structure of a literary contest upon the foundation of popularity show-off. How else do you seek for the best when the best entries had bee...

Poet Romeo Oriogun starts a blog, says "I am forgetting things, when I cant remember I can go to my blog and read my posts"

Romeo Oriogun who last week announced his struggles with the Bipolar disorder on his facebook timeline has started a new blog,, which he explained as his diary to share his recovery journey and poetry. In his first blog post 'The Journey to Nowhere' published yesterday,  he writes, "Bipolar disorder; the first time I learnt about it was two years ago, it was also around that time I was diagnosed, before then mental illness was something I read about, something far, something I never thought will be associated with me. I have been dealing with extreme mood swings  from my adolescent years but I have always thought that there is an explanation for it, it became a hope I held on to. When my life disintegrated to drunk days and not so drunk days I still thought it was explainable, I thought I was struggling to grasp life because I was weak, because I couldn’t order my life, because life was something I didn’t want enough, at that stag...

AMAB Book Club opens the year with a Fiesta.

The 1st AMAB BOOK CLUB FIESTA held on the evening of Saturday 7th January 2O17 at the Shamraz Plaza, Minna. The Fiesta, co-ordinated by Nana Sule brought together members of the AMAB Book Club for an end-of-year review of the club's activities in the year 2016. Members and guests at the Fiesta  voted 'Born on a Tuesday' (BOAT) by El-Nathan John as the most deserving of the 2016 NLNG (Nigeria Prize for Literature) fiction prize than the winning book, Season of Crimson Blossoms by Abubakar Adam Ibrahim. BOAT was favoured over Season of Crimson Blossoms as, in their view, it has a better flow of narration, accessible language and tangible characterization with readers able to connect easily and deeper with Dantala of BOAT than Hajiya or  her lover in the Season of Crimson Blossoms. Members and guests also reviewed major literary activities of 2016 including the Caine and Nobel Literature Prizes as they enjoyed drinks, music and a game of scrabble...

Hill-Top Creative Arts Foundation Hosts Agema

The Hill-Top Creative Arts Foundation, Minna, inaugurates her maiden Writers' Chat, THE BOOK MAKER on 14th January, 2017 at the Hill-Top Arts Centre, Hill-Top Model School, Minna by 2.30pm. The guest writer in this maiden edition is Su'eddie Vershima Agema, former Chairman, ANA Benue. This marks the commencement of the Foundation's major activities for the year 2017. The Foundation shall also at The Book Maker event inaugurate a book donation programme tagged: NAIJA BOOK HUNT AND HARVEST where it intend to gather 5, 000 books to be redistributed to ten schools and students. Donations are solicited from book lovers all over the world.