N270,000 Opportunity for Teenage Poets

The Vivian Ihaza [SEVHAGE] Teen Poetry Prize

As part of the SEVHAGE Literary Prizes, this memorial poetry prize honours Vivian’s memory by empowering young writers, specifically teenagers aged 12 to 17 with a focus on Nigeria in its inaugural edition (2024). This annual poetry prize seeks to foster creativity, cultural appreciation, and self-expression among the next generation of poets. Through this initiative, SEVHAGE aims to give young voices a platform to share their stories and ideas with the world.

Key Dates and Timelines

Submission Window: October 1st – November 20th, 2024
Winners Announcement: By February 2025
• All winners will be contacted via email by February 2025, with an awards ceremony or virtual event to follow.

Submission Guidelines
To ensure fair participation and a wide reach, all entries must adhere to the following guidelines:

Eligibility: The competition is open to Nigerian writers aged 17 and below.
Submission Format: Attach a poem as an MS Word Document without any name or identification of the author, and send to sevhageprizes@gmail.com with the subject VIT POETRY 2024. 
In the body of the email, write your name, age, address, school (where applicable), and contact number.
Word Limit: Each poem should not exceed 50 lines.
Entry Limit: Each student is allowed to submit only one poem.
Deadline: All submissions must be sent in by November 20th, 2024.


First Prize: ₦220,000 and a digital certificate of recognition.
Second Prize: ₦30,000 and a digital certificate of recognition.
Third Prize: ₦20,000 and a digital certificate of recognition.
Longlist: The top ten entries will receive digital certificates of recognition.

                   Read more here
